We are visiting my mom on our way to JC's 40th high school reunion. After settling in at a local state park, we spent the afternoon with Mom and decided to go to Phil's for dinner. Phil's is something of an anomaly - it is a very successful cafe in a very small Oklahoma farm town. It's success is due to how great the food is and Phil's hands on approach to the food in his restaurant. He even has a meat shop adjacent to the cafe. His reputation is such that people drive from miles around to eat there.

These are his hand battered and fried LARGE button mushrooms with a tangy ranch/french dressing.

A fresh/basic salad with tasty tomatoes and home made blue cheese dressing.

It's Friday and that means fried catfish. Mom and I split the regular order and couldn't eat it all after the mushroom orgy. JC ordered the "all you can eat" special . . . and it was!!

Phil's Country Fare is a delightful hidden little secret that everyone for 100 miles around knows about! It's on the main drag in Westville, OK. Shhh - don't tell anyone.
Awesome! I thought those were buttermilk biscuits in the first picture. Those mushroom are huge. Hope you are having fun with the family. 40 years? Wow...