Our good friends from Seattle, A and G, visited with us recently. It was so good to see them and we had a lovely time. One of the highlights of their visit here was a trip to their old stompin' grounds in Sonoita, south of Tucson. It was actually a return visit for us because A had fixed us up with one of his buddies last year who gave us a wonderful day showing us the local sights.

G had a boutique in Sonoita and she and A were very involved with the locals. G called several friends and they all decided to meet us at The Steakout, a local eatery and hangout. We had so much fun meeting everyone!! We also had a wonderful meal!!
The guys ordered the ribs - I think all four of us could have shared ONE of those slabs!!

We had such a good time during A and G's visit. We were excited to show them all the fun things we've been experiencing. They said our life here at Palm Creek is just like being at summer camp. You know, they're right!!