Our daughters are visiting with us this week. It has been quite a while since we have all been together and we are loving every minute of it. They came to this area to run the Phoenix Rock and Roll Marathon with their daddy. Unfortunately, JC is suffering from a bum knee and couldn't run the race, but he enjoyed watching them on Sunday. We managed to see them at miles 6, 17, and 26. It is such a joy to have them here with us!!
Of course, they want to see what we old folks have been up to!! They've watched pickle ball, met some of our neighbors, and played with everyone's pets. Monday night we went to the Arizona Opry near Mesa. It is a very entertaining show. Today we went out to the Eloy airport to watch the sky divers. It seems that this is the largest "drop zone" in the world. Then we had dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant, Borderline in the old town area of Casa Grande.
Unfortunately, they will leave on Friday and that time will arrive way too soon!!
We also keep dragging out all my paper crafting stuff. We've made several mini legal pad covers and cards. Here are some of our creations: